
         On Saturday, 10 September 2016. My school, SMAN 3 Bandung. Proudly held an event called MEGANTARA. This event had a topic about Indonesia culture. It shows indonesian’s culture from Aceh to Irian. It took place at Bali Filed. The event start 11.30 and finish at 22.00. but 10th grades have to come to Bali field at 07.00 and must wear pangsi. Then about at 07.30 the 10th grade had a parade that start at lapnagn bali and finish at langan bali again.
         Honestly I was a little bit lazy to go that parade because I have wake early and must wear pangsi. At first I don’t want to go to that parade but someone told me that if someone in a class doesn’t come to the parade the whole class will get affine Rp 500.000. Becouse of that I come to the parade.
          Thankfully, my house was not really far away so after the parade ends I change my clothes then come to my friend house because the parade finish at 09.00 and the gate open at 11.30 and the changcuters start the show at about 18.30 so I played first at my friend house and go to Megantara at about 15.00 because the gate closed at 15.30. after I was there I already made an appointments with my junior highscool friends. Then after I meet my old friends I joined them.
         Then after maghrib there’s a cabaret show form SMAN 3 own extracurricular TST. After that there’s The Changcuters wich perform about an hour and a half because the audience ask for more and more. After that came in RAN that make so many girls audience go crazy especially when Nino, one of the singer picked one of the girl audience to sing with him then all the girls audience become crazy and become full of screams. The event finish at about 22.00 and I go home and immediately go to bed because I was very tired.


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